New Orleans is a great city with a big personality and is bursting with culture! Typically, I only think of personality when it comes to people, but the word definitely comes to mind when thinking about NOLA. If this city was one of your friends, it would be that type of quirky friend that’s a guaranteed good time and the jack of all of trades
What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of New Orleans? Let me guess…Mardi Gras? Mardi Gras, or Fat Tuesday, reflects the practice of celebrating and eating rich foods before the traditional fasting for the Lent Season. The celebrating of Mardi Gras came to the United States during the late 17th Century with the arrival of two French brothers. Mardi is celebrated in several US cities today, but none quite as successfully as NOLA with approximately 1.4 million people attending annually.
The first things that come to my mind when I think of New Orleans is delicious food and history. The food, oh my gosh the food! I would travel to New Orleans just to eat, its actually on my calendar to do that very thing later this year. The city also has a very interesting history and a lot of the city’s old architecture and historical sites has been well preserves throughout the year. During my last visit, a cemetery tour was included as part of a larger tour that I took. I did not think that I would enjoy that portion of the tour but it turned out to be so fascinating I am going to take the long tour during my next visit.
NOLA is such a vibrant city with so many different facets to explore. It is truly a city that offers a little, or a lot, of something for everybody. Have you ever been to New Orleans? If so, what did you like most about the city? If not, is there something in particular that you interested in experiencing?